Yes No Questions in Hindi

Yes No Questions in Hindi

Yes No Questions in Hindi lets learn more about it.

Yes No Questions in Hindi

Asking yes-no questions in Hindi is very easy to understand. If you can construct a Hindi sentence on your own then all you have to is to put  क्या (kyaa) What at the end of the sentence.

The format will be: Subject-Object-Verb- क्या (kyaa)?

Answer of these questions will be either हाँ (haan) = Yes or नहीं (naheen) = No.

To know more kindly follow the table below with the given examples.

Sentenceभारत हमारा देश है | bharat hamara desh haiIndia is our country.
Questionभारत हमारा देश है क्या ? bharat hamara desh hai kya?Is India our country?
Sentenceतुम्हारा नाम आदित्य है | tumhara nam aaditya haiYour name is Aaditya.
Questionतुम्हारा नाम आदित्य है क्या ? tumhara nam Aaditya hai kya?Is your name Aaditya?
Sentenceआदित्य का फोन नंबर 1111111  है| Aaditya ka phone number 1111111  haiAaditya ‘s phone no is 1111111  
Questionआदित्य का फोन नंबर 1111111  है क्या ? Aaditya ka phone number 1111111 hai kya?Is Aaditya ‘s phone no 1111111  ?
Sentenceतुम हिंदी सीखते हो | tum hindi seekhte hoYou learn Hindi .
Questionतुम हिंदी सीखते हो क्या ? tum hindi seekhte ho kya?Do you learn Hindi ?

Exercise the above lessons and explore more about all these important lessons so that it will be easy to understand all about Hindi Language!

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