Where Will You Be This Time Tomorrow?

Where Will You Be This Time Tomorrow? in Hindi Meaning

Where Will You Be This Time Tomorrow in Hindi equivalent of “Where” is “कहाँ”kahan

तुम कहाँ हो ? tum kahan ho = Where are you ?

तुम कहाँ थे ? tum kahaan the = Where were you ?

तुम कहाँ होगे ? tum kahaan hoge = Where will you be ?

तुम कल कहाँ होगे ? tum kal kahaan hoge = Where will you be tomorrow ?

तुम कल इस समय कहाँ होगे ? tum kal is samay kahaan hoge = Where will you be tomorrow this time ?

तुम कल दस बजे कहाँ होगे ? tum kal dus baje kahaan hoge = Where will you be tomorrow at 10 o’clock ?

तुम कल दस बजे कहाँ थे ? tum kal dus baje kahaan the = Where were you yesterday at 10 o’clock ?

तुम इस शनिवार को कहाँ होगे ? tum is shanivar ko kahaan hoge = Where will you be on this Saturday ?

तुम कल अहमदाबाद में कहाँ होगे ? tum kal ahmedbad me kahaan hoge = Where will you be in Ahmedabad tomorrow ?

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