Where Will This Train Stop Meaning In Hindi
In this Hindi lesson, we will learn a new verb: “रुकना to stop”. We will try to make sentences like “Please stop” or “Where will this train stop?” in Hindi.
रुकना rukna = To stop
Sentences in Present Tense in Hindi
मैं यहाँ रोज रुकता हूँ | main yahan roj rukta hoon = I stop here every day
यह बस यहाँ हमेशा रुकती है | yah bus hamesha yahan ruktee hain = This bus stops here every day.
Sentences in Past Tense in Hindi
कल बस अहमदाबाद में रुकी | kal train ahmedabad me rukee = The train stopped in Ahmedabad yesterday.
आदित्य मेरे लिए अहमदाबाद रुका | aaditya mere liye ahmedabad rukaa = Aaditya stopped in Ahmedabad for me.
Sentences in Future Tense in Hindi
यह रेलगाड़ी कहाँ रुकेगी? yah railgadi kahan rukegi = Where will this train stop ?
अलीशा कल अहमदाबाद में रुकेगी | alisha kal ahmedabad me rukegee = Alisha will stop in Ahmedabad.
कृपया रुकिए | kripyaa rukiyee= Please stop
गाड़ी रोको | gadi roko= Stop the vehicle.

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