“Was I wrong?” in Hindi?
Was I Wrong Meaning In Hindi मैं गलत था थी | main galat tha = I was wrong.
In this daily lesson, we will learn to make sentences on these two words in Hindi.
क्या मैं गलत था / थी ? kya main galat tha ? = Was I wrong ?
क्या मैं गलत बोला बोली? kya main galat bola / bolee = Did I speak wrong ?
आदित्य सही था | Aaditya sahee tha = Aaditya was Right.
आदित्य सही नहीं था | Aaditya sahee nahi tha = Aaditya was not right.
या तुम गलत हो या मैं | ya tum galat ho ya main = Either you or I am wrong.
आप गलत बस में हो | aap galat bas me ho = You are on the wrong bus.
यह गलत नंबर है | ya galat number hai= This is wrong number.
Was I Wrong Meaning In Hindi
“Wrong” means “गलत”galat
“Right” means “सही”sahee

Exercise the above lessons and explore more about all these important lessons so that it will be easy to understand all about Hindi Language!