Using In Front Of In Hindi
Using In Front Of In Hindi Lets explore more about it!
“In front of” translates to “के सामने “ke samne in Hindi.
It is a postposition.
विद्यालय के सामने pathshala ke samne = In front of school.
पेड़ के सामने कार है | ped ke samne car hai = Car is in front of tree.
मेरे सामने mere samne = In front of me.
मेरे सामने कंप्यूटर है | mere samne computer hai= Computer is in front of me.
तुम्हारे सामने tumhare samne = In front of you
तुम्हारे सामने सुंदर लड़की खड़ी है | tumhare samne sundar ladki khadi hai = A beautiful girl is standing in front of you.

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