This Guitar Is Blue in Colour Hindi Meaning
In this lesson, we will learn to describe colors This Guitar Is Blue in Colour of things around us in Hindi. The grammar lesson on adjectives on colors in Hindi is here: Adjectives on colors.
यह पेड़ हरा है | yah ped hara hai = This tree is green.
यह दीवार हरी है | yah dewar haree hai = This wall is green.
यह लड़का गोरा है | yah ladka gora hai = This boy is white.
यह लडकी गोरी है | yah ladki gori hai= This girl is white.
Adjectives for masculine nouns end with the sound of -आ aa. For example : हरा hara, गोरा gora
Adjectives for feminine nouns end with the sound of -ई ee. For example : हरी haree, गोरी goree.
The color लाल lal = red, सफ़ेद safed = white is exception for this rule.
More examples :
मेरा पेन काला है | mera pen kala hai = My pen is black.
मेरी गिटार काली है | meree guitar kalee hai = My guitar is black.
आकाश नीला है | akash neela hai = Sky is blue.
जमीन नीली है | jameen neelee hai= Earth is blue.

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