Telling Our your their in Hindi
Telling Our your their in Hindi learn more about

In this Hindi Lesson will try to learn
Describing Masculine Objects-
भारत हमारा देश है (bharat hamara desh hain) | India is our country. |
कनाडा आपका देश है (Canada apkaa desh hain) | Canada is your country. |
चीन उनका देश है (Cheen unka desh hain) | China is their country. |
Describing Feminine Objects-
स्कॉर्पियो हमारी कार है (Scorpio hamari car hain) | Scorpio is our car. |
ऑडी आपकी कार है (Odee aapki car hain) | Audi is your car. |
पंच उनकी कार है (panch unkee car hain) | Punch is their car. |
Describing Multiple objects-
हमारे बच्चे (hamare bachche) | Our kids |
आपके बच्चे (aapke bachche) | Your kids |
उनके बच्चे (unke bachche) | Their kids |
Our = हमारा/हमारी /हमारे
Your = आपका / आपकी /आपके
Their = उनका /उनकी /उनके
Explore more about all these important lessons so that it will be easy to understand all about Hindi Language!
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