Simple Present Tense in Hindi
Simple Present Tense in Hindi lets learn more about it.

You’ll learn more about subject-verb agreement in Hindi in present tense.
Previous lesson, we saw sentences like
I go. I Sleep, I eat
These all were for first person singular pronouns. Let us see them for all pronouns in this lesson.
The example verb is खा-ना (khaa-naa) = to eat.
All you have to see is that how the verb endings are changing with different pronouns.
Person | Singular | Plural |
1st | मैं खा–ता हूँ |(Male)(main khata hoon)मैं खा–ती हूँ | (Female) (main khatee hoon) I eat. | हम खा–ते है | (ham khate hai) We eat |
2nd | तू खा–ताती है | ( tu khaataatee hai)तुम खा–तेती हो | (tum khaatetee ho) आप खा–ते हो | (aap khaate ho) You eat. | आप खा–ते हो | (aap khate ho) You eat |
3rd | वह खा–ता है | (vah khataa hai)वह खा–ती है | (vah khatee hai) He / She eats. | वे खा–ते है | (ve khaate hai ) They eat |
First person pronouns : (root verb) +ता हूँ or (root verb)+ ती हूँ
Second person pronouns: (root verb) +ते हो or (root verb)+ती हो
Third person pronouns: (root verb) +ता है or (root verb)+ती है
Exercise the above lessons and explore more about all these important lessons so that it will be easy to understand all about Hindi Language!
Present Tense in Hindi and English