How do you say “Who made this Vada Pav” in Hindi?
In this Hindi lesson Say Who Made This Vada Pav in Hindi, we will learn to ask questions involving the verb “बनाना bana – na = To make”
यह वड़ा पाव मैंने बनाया | yah vada pav maine banaya = I made this Vada Pav.
यह वड़ा पाव किसने बनाया ? yah vada pav kisne banaya = Who made this Vada Pav?
यह साइकिल किसने बनाया ? yah bicycle kisne banaya = Who made this bicycle?
मेरा घर किसने बनाया ? mera ghar kisne banaya = Who made my house ?
आदित्य का घर किसने बनाया ? aaditya ka ghar kisne banaya = Who made Aaditya’s house ?
यह कंप्यूटर किसने बनाया ? yah computer kisne banaya = Who made this computer?

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