Say Which is the best Computer in Hindi?
Say Which is the best Computer in Hindi? Today’s theme for making Hindi sentences is sentences like “Which is the best__________?”
In this daily Hindi lesson, we will learn to make sentences like “Which is the best phone?” or “Which is the best car?” and many more sentences like this.
The English question word “Which” translates to “कौनसा कौनसी कौनसे”kaunsa kaunsee kaunse
You can find the lesson on which here: Questions on “which” in Hindi.
“Best” is “सबसे अच्छा” sabse acchha
“सब”sab means “all” and “सबसे अच्छा” means “better than all ”
सबसे अच्छा फोन कौनसा है? sabse acchha phone kaunsaa hai ? = Which is the best phone ?
सबसे अच्छा देश कौनसा है? sabse acchha desh kaunsaa hai ? = Which is the best country ?
सबसे अच्छा लैपटॉप कौनसा है ? sabse acchha laptop kaunsaa hai ? = Which is the best laptop?
सबसे अच्छी कार कौनसी है? sabse acchhee car kaunsee hai ? = Which is the best car?
सबसे अच्छी नदी कौनसी है? sabse acchhee nadee kaunsee hai ? = Which is the best river?
सबसे अच्छी लड़की कौनसी है? sabse acchhee ladkee kaunsee hai ? = Which is the best girl?
सबसे अच्छे देश कौनसे है? sabse acchhe desh kaunse hai ? = Which are the best countries ?
सबसे अच्छे घोड़े कौनसे है? sabse acchhe ghode kaunse hai ? = Which are the best horses?

Exercise the above lessons and explore more about all these important lessons so that it will be easy to understand all about Hindi Language!