How do you say Weather is dangerous today in Hindi?
Let us learn to describe weather in Hindi. Learn to say Say Weather Is Dangerous Today In Hindi, sentences like “Today weather is good” or “How is weather in Canada today? In Hindi.
Weather translates to “मौसम mousam” in Hindi.
आज मौसम अच्छा है | aaj mousam accha hai = Today weather is good.
कल मौसम अच्छा नहीं था | kal mousam accha nahi thaa= Yesterday weather was not nice.
आज मौसम खतरनाक है | aaj mousam khatarnak hai = Weather is dangerous today.
कनाडा में मौसम कैसा है ? kanaada me mousam kaisa hai = How is weather in Canada?
ऑस्ट्रेलिया में मौसम कैसा है ? ostreliya me mousam kaisa hai = How is weather in Australia?

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