How Do You Say We Will Talk Later In Hindi
In this Hindi lesson, we will learn the usage of “later” in Hindi. We will try construct sentences like “I will catch you later” or “We will talk you later” in Hindi.
In colloquial Hindi, later translates to “बाद में baad me”
“बाद baad” is like “after” of English.
“बाद में baad me” translates to “after that or later”
Let us make the sentences now
हम बाद में बात करेंगे | hum baad me baat karenge = We will talk later
हम बाद में मिलेंगे | hum baad me milenge = We will meet later
मैं तुमसे बाद में बात करूँगा / गी | main tumse baad me baat karungaa / gee = I will talk to you later.
मैं बाद में तुमसे मिलूँगा / गी | main baad me tumse milungaa / gee = I will meet you / catch you later.
आदित्य बाद में खाना खायेगा| aaditya baad me khaana khaayega= Aaditya will eat later.
आदित्य बाद में मैच देखेगा| aaditya baad me match dekhungaa = Aaditya will see match later.

Exercise the above lessons and explore more about all these important lessons so that it will be easy to understand all about Hindi Language!