How do you say “Was it my mistake?” in Hindi
In this daily Hindi lesson, you will learn to make sentences like “Was it my mistake ?” or “Was I right ?” or “Were you ready ?” in Hindi.
The related lesson is: Be verbs in Hindi
Let us learn and explore from examples:
क्या मैं सही था थी ? kya main sahi tha/ thee = Was I right ?
क्या वह मेरी गलती थी ? kya vah meri galati thee = Was it my mistake ?
क्या आप तैयार थे ? kya aap taiyar the = Were you ready ?
क्या आप बीमार थे ? kya aap bimar the = Were you sick ?
क्या हम सही थे ? kya hum sahi the = Were we right ?
क्या हम सावधान थे ? kya hum saavdhan the = Were we cautious ?
क्या रोहित खतरे में था ? kya rohit khatare me thaa = Was Rohit in danger ?
क्या राधिका अहमदाबाद में थी ? kyaa radhika ahmedabad me thee = Was Radhika in Ahmedabad?

Exercise the above lessons and explore more about all these important lessons so that it will be easy to understand all about Hindi Language!