How do you say “This train will go from Ahmedabad” in Hindi?
In this Hindi lesson Say This Train Will Go from Ahmedabad in Hindi, we will learn how to use Hindi postposition “from“. We will learn to make short sentences using this postposition in Hindi.
From = –से se
आदित्य दिल्ली से आया | aaditya ahmedabad se aayaa. Aaditya came from Ahmedabad.
मैं अहमदाबाद से सूरत गया main Ahmedabad se sura. I went from Ahmedabad to Surat.
यह ट्रेन सूरतसे जाएगी | yah train surat se jaayegi. This train will go from Surat.
फुटबॉल 7 बजे से शुरू होगा | phutabol 7 baje se shuroo hoga. Football will start from 7 o’clock.
अहमदाबाद से चार लोग शिरडी गए| ahamadaabaad se chaar log shirdi gaye. Four people went to shirdi from Ahmedabad.
कबूतर खिड़की से अंदर आया| kabootar khidakee se andar aaya. pigeon came inside from window.

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