How do you say “Sometimes I don’t go to school” in Hindi
In this lesson Say Sometimes I Don’t Go To School in Hindi, we will learn how to use “sometimes” in Hindi. We will learn make sentences like “Sometimes I don’t go to school.” or “Sometimes I like you”
The word “sometimes” translates to “कभी कभी” kabhi kabhi in Hindi.
कभी कभी मैं घर जाता हूँ kabhi kabhi main ghar jata hoon = Sometimes I go home.
कभी कभी मैं पाठशाला नहीं जाता हूँ | kabhi kabhi main pathshala nahi jata hoon = Sometimes I don’t go to school.
कभी कभी तुम मुझे पसंद आती हो | kabhi kabhi tum mujhe pasand aati ho = Sometimes I like you.
कभी कभी यह दुकान जल्दी बंद हो जाता है | kabhi kabhi yah dukaan jaldi band ho jata hai= Sometimes this shop closes early.
कभी कभी नवंबर में बारिश होती है | kabhi kabhi november me baarish hoti hai = Sometimes it rains in November.

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