Say Keyboard Is Above the Table in Hindi

How Do You Say Keyboard Is Above The Table in Hindi?

In this Hindi Lesson Say Keyboard Is Above the Table in Hindi, You’ll learn how to use Hindi equivalent of English prepositions “above” and “below”.

above= –के ऊपर ke oopar

below= –के नीचे ke neeche

For example

टेबल के ऊपर table ke upar = Above the table

टेबल के नीचे table ke neeche = Below the table

आकाश के ऊपर aakaash ke oopar = Above the sky

आकाश के नीचे aakaash ke neeche= Below the sky

मेरे ऊपर mere oopar = above me

मेरे नीचे mere neeche = Below me

तुम्हारे ऊपर tumhaare oopar = Above you

तुम्हारे नीचे tumhaare neeche = Below you

उसके ऊपर uske oopar = Above him

उसके नीचे uske neeche = Below him

हमारे ऊपर hamare oopar = Above us

हमारे नीचे hamaare neeche = Below us

उनके ऊपर unke oopar = Above them

उनके नीचे unke neeche= Below them

Example sentences

टेबल के ऊपर पेन है | table ke upar pen hai = Pen is above the table.

भारत के ऊपर हिमालय है | bharat ke oopar himaalay hai = Himalayas are above India.

मेरे ऊपर पक्षी उड़ रहा है | mere upar pakshee ud rahaa hai = Bird is flying above me.

तुम्हारे नीचे नारियल पानी  है | tumhare neeche paani hai = Water is below you.

हमारे ऊपर आकाश है और नीचे धरती है | haamare oopar aakaash hai aur neeche dhartee hai = Sky is above us and Earth is below us.

देखो, तुम्हारे ऊपर कौन है ? dekho tumhaare upar kaun hai = See, who is above you?

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Say Keyboard Is Above the Table in Hindi

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