How do you say “I will buy milk” in Hindi
In this Hindi lesson Say I Will Buy Milk in Hindi, we will learn the Hindi equivalent of verb “to buy”. We will learn to make sentences like “I bought mobile” or “I will buy a house tomorrow” in Hindi.
to buy = खरीदना khareedna
Let’s explore more from these examples:
मैं रोज दूध खरीदता ती हूँ | main roj doodh khareedta tee hoon=I buy milk everyday.
मैं रोज समाचार पत्र खरीदता ती हूँ | main roj samachar partra khareedta tee hoon=I buy newspaper everyday.
मैंने मोबाइल खरीदा | maine mobile khareeda = I bought the mobile.
मैंने कल कंप्यूटर खरीदा | maine kal computer khareeda = I bought an computer yesterday.
आदित्य ने अलीशा के लिए साड़ी खरीदी | aaditya ne Alisha ke liye saree khareedee= Aaditya bought Saree for Alisha.
मैं कल घर खरीदूंगा | main kal ghar khareedunga = I will buy a house tomorrow.

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