How do you say I was wrong in Hindi?
In this daily lesson Say I Was Wrong In Hindi, we will learn to make sentences on these two words in Hindi.
“Wrong” means “गलत”galat “Right” means “सही”sahee
मैं गलत था थी | main galat tha = I was wrong.
क्या मैं गलत था थी ? kya main galat tha? = Was I wrong?
क्या मैं गलत बोला बोली ? kya main galat bola bolee = Did I speak wrong ?
आदित्य सही था | aaditya sahee thaa = Aaditya was Right.
आदित्य सही नहीं था | aaditya sahee nahi tha = Aaditya was not right.
या तुम गलत हो या मैं | ya tum galat ho ya main = Either you or I am wrong.
आप गलत बस में हो | aap galat bas me ho = You are on the wrong bus.
यह गलत नंबर है | ya galat number hai= This is wrong number.

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