How do you say “I can not live without you” in Hindi
In this Hindi lesson, we will learn Hindi equivalent of English preposition “Without”. We will learn to make sentences like “I can not live without you”, “He went without me” and many similar sentences in Hindi.
Without = के बिना ke bina
मेरे बिना mere binaa = Without me
तुम्हारे बिना tumhaare binaa = Without you
उसके बिना uske binaa = Without heshe
हमारे बिना hamaare binaa = Without us
उनके बिना unke binaa = Without them
रोहित के बिना rohit ke binaa = Without Rohit
Example sentences
रोहित मेरे बिना चला गया | rohit mere binaa chalaa gayaa = Rohit went without me.
रोहित मेरे बिना स्कूल चला गया | rohit mere binaa school chalaa gayaa = Rohit went to school without me.
मछली नारियल पानी के बिना रह नहीं सकती | machhali paani ke bina rah nahi saktee = A fish can not live without water.
मैं गाड़ी के बिना जा नहीं सकताती हूँ | main gaadi ke binaa jaa nahi saktaatee hoon = I can not go without my vehicle.
मैं तुम्हारे बिना जी नहीं सकता | main tumhaare bina jee nahi saktaatee = I can not live without you.
तुम्हारे बिना मेरा जीवन अधुरा है | tumhaare bina meraa jeevan adhuraa hai = My life is incomplete without you.

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