How do you say “How is weather in the Canada ” in Hindi?
Let us learn to describe weather in Hindi. Say How Is Weather in the Canada in Hindi
मौसम mousam = weather
Learn to say sentences like “Today weather is good” or “How is weather in Mumbai today ? in Hindi.
Weather translates to “मौसम mousam” in Hindi.
आज मौसम अच्छा है | aaj mousam accha hai = Today weather is good.
कल मौसम अच्छा नहीं था | kal mousam accha nahi thaa= Yesterday weather was not nice.
आज मौसम खतरनाक है | aaj mousam khatarnak hai = Weather is dangerous today.
कनाडा में मौसम कैसा है ? canada me mousam kaisa hai = How is weather in Canada ?
लंदन में मौसम कैसा है ? london me mousam kaisa hai = How is weather in London?

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