How do you say He speaks only english in Hindi
In this lesson will learn more about Say He Speaks Only English in Hindi. Let us learn the Hindi equivalent of the word ‘only’ and its usage.
only = सिर्फ sirf
आदित्य सिर्फ अंग्रेज़ी बोलता है | aaditya sirf english bolta hai = Aaditya speaks only English.
आदित्य सिर्फ केक खाता है | aaditya sirf cake khata hai = Aaditya eats cake only.
मैं सिर्फ हिंदी सीखता ती हूँ | main sirf hindi seekhta tee hoon = I learn only Hindi.
वे सिर्फ काम करते हैं | ve sift kam karte hain = They only work.
हम सिर्फ नाश्ता खायेंगे | hum sirf nashta khayenge = We will only breakfast.
तुम सिर्फ हिंदी पढोगे | tum sirf hindi padhoge = You will read only Hindi.

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