How do you say He hit himself in Hindi?
In this daily Hindi lesson Say He Hit Himself in Hindi, we will learn reflexive pronouns in Hindi.
Examples of reflexive pronouns in English are “myself”, ‘yourself’, ‘ourselves’ etc.
The Hindi reflexive pronoun is “खुद khud” or “अपने आप ” apne aap.
Let us explore more with the hekp of some examples.
मैंने खुद को मारा | maine khudko mara = I hit myself.
उसने खुद को मारा | usne khudko maaa = He hit himself.
मैं खुद को पसंद करताती हूँ | main khood ko pasand karta hoon = I like myself.
वह खुद से बात करता ती है | main khood se baat karta tee hoon = He talks with himself.
मैं काम खुद से करता ती हूँ | main kaam khud se karta / tee hoon = I work myself.
हम ने खुद से घर साफ़ किया | ham ne khood se ghar saf kiyaa = We cleaned house ourselves.
खुद पे विश्वास रखो | khood pe vishwas rakho = Believe in yourself.

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