Requests in Hindi
Requests in Hindi lets learn more about it.
You’ll learn polite imperative forms of Hindi verbs. You’ll learn how to request someone in Hindi.
Till now you must have seen how a Hindi verb modifies to express different tenses. The root of the verb gets different suffix according to the tense in which it is being used.
The imperative form of a verb is not very different.
Let us learn this with examples.
Verb : आ-ना aa-naa = To come
Polite imperative form : आ-इए aa-iye = Please Come
If you want to request someone to enter your room, you’ll say
आ-इए aa-iye in Hindi.
the root of the verb gets suffix -इएiye .
Similarly for the verb : to go = जा-ना jaa-naa
The polite imperative form will be : जा-इए jaa-iye = Please go.
Now for those verbs which have two or more letter in their root form:
देख-ना dekh-naa = To see
The polite imperative form becomes : देख + इए = देखिए dekhiye = Please see
बैठ-ना baith-naa = To sit
The polite imperative form becomes : बैठ + इए = बैठिए baithiye = Please sit
One must keep in mind that this imperative form of Hindi Verbs is always used with the pronoun “आप aap”.
आप बैठिए aap baithiye = you please sit
Requests in Hindi Meaning
खाइए | khaaiye | Please eat |
जाइए | jaaiye | Please go |
आइए | aaiye | Please come |
बैठिये | baithiye | Please sit |
देखिये | dekhiye | Please see |
दीजिये | deejiye | Please give |
The polite imperative form of a Hindi verb: root verb-इए
Practice: Click on the flashcard to see the imperative forms of the verbs

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