Questions on Which in Hindi
Questions on Which in Hindi lets learn more about it.
We will learn Hindi equivalent of question word “Which”
We will learn to make sentences like “Which is your Computer?” or “Which is the best Computer?” in Hindi.
In the last lesson, we saw Hindi equivalents of English
“How” translates to “कैसा/ कैसी/ कैसे” (kaisa/kaisee/kaise) in Hindi.
Similarly, “Which” translates to “कौनसा / कौनसी / कौनसे” Kounsaa / kaounsee / kounse
The suffix (सा / सी/ से) behind the कौन- depend upon the gender you are talking about.
Do not confuse “कौनसा / सी / से” with “कौन” which means “Who”
Questions on Which in Hindi Let us see some examples
“कौनसा” (kounsaa) : To be used for masculine nouns
तुम्हारा कंप्यूटर कौनसा है ? (tumharaa computer kounsa hai) = Which is your computer?
तुम्हारा कीबोर्ड कौनसा है ? (tumhaaraa keyboard kaunsaa hai) = Which one is your keyboard?
सबसे अच्छा कंप्यूटर कौनसा है ? (sabse acchaa computer kaunsaa hai ?) = Which is the best computer?
“कौनसी “ (kaunsee) : To be used for feminine nouns
आपकी साइकिल कौनसी है ? (aap ki saikil kaunsee hai ?) = Which is your bicycle?
आपकी दीवार घड़ी कौनसी है ? (aapki deevaar ghadee kaunsee hai ?) = Which one is your wall clock?
“कौनसे” (kounse) : To be used for plural forms of nouns
कौनसे फूल अच्छे हैं? (kaunse phool acche hain?) = Which flowers are good?
कौनसे बच्चे अच्छे हैं? (kaunse bachche acche hain?) = Which kids are good?
कौनसे कंप्यूटर अच्छे हैं? (kaunse computer acche hain?) = Which computer is good?
The position of “कौनसा” or “कौनसी” or “कौनसे” comes just after the noun it is describing.
यह कौनसी बाइक है? | Which bike is this? | yah kaunsee bike hai ? |
यह कौनसे कंप्यूटर है ? | Which computers are these? | yah kaunse computer hai? |
तुम्हारा पसंदीदा गाना कौनसा है? | Which is your favourite song? | tumharaa pasandi gaana kaunsaa hai? |
आप किस गाने का आनंद ले रहे हैं? | Which song are you enjoying? | aap kis gaane ka aanand le rahe hain? |
आदित्य की गाड़ी कौनसी है? | Which is Aaditya’s vehicle? | aaditya ka vaahan kaun sa hai? |
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