Past Tense 2 Intransitive Verbs
Past Tense 2 Intransitive Verbs lets learn more about it.

You will learn simple past tense for second and third person pronouns.
In the first part of the past tense we learned simple past tense for first person pronouns.
For first person pronoun, the root of the verb gets sound of -आ (aa) if subject is masculine and – ई (ee) is attached if the subject is feminine.
In this lesson, we will try to make sentences on second person pronouns (तुम, आप , तू) and third person pronouns (यह, वह)
For second person pronouns तुम (tum) and आप (aap), the root of the verb gets sound of -ए(ae) at the end.
तुम खेले (tum khele) = You played
आप खेले (aap khele ) = You played
For second person pronoun तु (tu), the root of the verb gets sound of -आ (aa) if subject is masculine and – ई (ee) is attached if the subject is feminine.
तू खेला (tu khelaa) = You played
तू खेली (tu khelee) = You played
For second person pronouns: masculine
Hindi | English |
आप गए |(aap gaye) | You went. |
तुम गए |(tum gaye) | You went. |
आप आए |(aap aae) | You came. |
तुम आए |(tum aaye) | You came. |
आप नारियल पानी पीए |(aap nariyal paanee peeye) | You drank coconut water. |
तुम नारियल पानी पीए |(tum nariyal paanee peeye) | You drank water. |
आप फ़ुटबॉल खेले |(aap football khele) | You played football. |
तुम फ़ुटबॉल खेले |(tum football khele ) | You played football. |
आप हिंदी बोले |(aap hindi bole) | You spoke Hindi. |
तुम हिंदी बोले |(tum hindi bole) | You spoke Hindi. |
Past Tense 2 Intransitive Verbs Examples
For second person pronouns: feminine
Hindi | English |
आप गई |(aap gayee) | You went. |
तुम गई |(tum gayee) | You went. |
आप आई |(aap aayee) | You came. |
तुम आई |(tum aayee) | You came. |
आप नारियल पानी पी |(aap nariyal paanee pee) | You drank coconut water. |
तुम नारियल पानी पी |(tum nariyal paanee pee) | You drank coconut water. |
आप फ़ुटबॉल खेली |(aap football khelee) | You played football. |
तुम फ़ुटबॉल खेली |(tum football khelee ) | You played football. |
आप हिंदी बोली |(aap hindi bolee) | You spoke Hindi. |
तुम हिंदी बोली |(tum hindi bolee) | You spoke Hindi. |
For third person pronouns: masculine
Hindi | English |
यह गया |(yah gayaa) | He went. |
आदित्य आया |(aaditya aayaa) | Aaditya came. |
आदित्य नारियल पानी पीया |(john nariyal paanee peeyaa) | Aaditya drank coconut water. |
वह फ़ुटबॉल खेला |(vah football khelaa) | He played football |
आदित्य हिंदी बोला |( aaditya hindi bolaa) | Aaditya spoke Hindi |
For third person pronouns: feminine
Hindi | English |
यह गई |(ya gayee) | She went. |
अलीशा आई |(Alisha aayee) | Alisha came. |
अलीशा नारियल पानी पी |( Alisha nariyal paani pee) | Alisha drank coconut water. |
वह फ़ुटबॉल खेली |(vah football khelee) | She played football. |
अलीशा हिंदी बोली |( Alisha hindi bolee) | Alisha spoke hindi. |
Exercise the above lessons and explore more about all these important lessons so that it will be easy to understand all about Hindi Language!
Present Tense in Hindi and English