Orders in Hindi
Orders in Hindi lets learn more about it.
You’ll learn imperative form of Hindi verbs. You’ll learn how to give orders Hindi.
Giving orders in Hindi is very similar to requesting someone in Hindi.
Let us learn this with some examples.
Verb: आ-ना aa-naa = To come
Polite imperative form: आ-ओ aa-o = Come
If you want to order someone to enter your room, you’ll say
आ-ओ aa-o in Hindi.
the root of the verb gets suffix -ओo .
Similarly for the verb : to go = जा-ओ jaa-o
The polite imperative form will be : जा-ओjaa-o = go.
Now for those verbs which have two or more letter in their root form some examples:
देख-ना dekh-naa = To see
The polite imperative form becomes : देख + ओ= देखो dekho = see
बैठ-ना baith-naa = To sit
The polite imperative form becomes : बैठ + ओ = बैठो baitho = sit
One must keep in mind that this imperative form of Hindi Verbs is always used with the pronoun “तुम tum”.
तुम बैठो tum baitho = you sit
खाओ | khaao | eat |
जाओ | jaao | go |
आओ | aao | come |
बैठो | baitho | sit |
देखो | dekho | see |
दो | do | give |
The polite imperative form of a Hindi verb : root verb-ओ

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