Introduce someone in Hindi
Introduce someone in Hindi learn more about

Your name is Aaditya
You will learn how to use second person possessive pronouns in Hindi.
You will learn to say sentences like
Your name is Alisha.
Your car is Benz in Hindi.
Masculine(singular) | तेरा फोन teraa phone तुम्हारा फोन tumhaaraa phone आपका फोन aapkaa phone | Your phone |
Masculine(plural) | तेरे फोन tere phone तुम्हारे फोन tumhaare phone आपके फोन aapke phone | Your phones |
Feminine(singular) | तेरी बहन teri bahan तुम्हारी बहन tumhaari bahan आपकी बहन aapki bahan | Your sister |
Feminine(plural) | तेरी बहने teri bahane तुम्हारी बहने tumhaari bahane आपकी बहने aapki bahane | Your sisters |
Honor | तेरे पिताजी tere pitaajee तुम्हारे पिताजी tumhaare pitaajee आपके पिताजी aapke pitaajee | Your father |
Hindi | English | |
First Person Singular | मेरा नाम आदित्य है | mera naam aaditya hai | My name is Aaditya |
Second Person (very informal) | तेरा नाम आदित्य है | tera naam aaditya hai | Your name is Aaditya |
Second Person (informal) | तुम्हारा नाम आदित्य है| tumhara naam aaditya hai | Your name is Aaditya |
Second Person (formal) | आपका नाम आदित्य है | aapka naam aaditya hai | Your name is Aaditya |
तू = तेरा, तेरी, तेरे
तुम = तुम्हारा, तुम्हारी, तुम्हारे
आप = आपका, आपकी, आपके
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