I’ll Come to Mumbai In Hindi
I’ll Come to Mumbai In Hindi Lets explore more about it!
In this lesson we will learn to use verb “to like” as an auxiliary verb. We will learn to make sentences like “I like toIn this lesson, we will learn the usage of “If…..then” in Hindi.
We will learn to make sentences like “If I go to school then I will study Hindi” or “If You come here then please bring my money” in Hindi.
“If’……..then” translates to “अगर ……तो agar…..toh” in Hindi.
Let us see this with examples
अगर मैं हिंदी सीखा तो मैं मुंबई आऊंगा | agar main hindi seekha toh main mumbai aaunga
If I learn Hindi then I will come to Mumbai.
अगर मैं पाठशाला गया तो मैं हिंदी सीखूंगा | agar main pathshala gayaa to main hindi seekhunga
If I go to school then I’ll learn Hindi
अगर तुम इधर आये तो मेरे पैसे लाना agar tum idhar aaye to mere paise lana
If you come here then please bring my money
If ….. Then = अगर ……. तो agar …to

Exercise the above lessons and explore more about all these important lessons so that it will be easy to understand all about Hindi Language!