I Want To Learn Hindi
I Want To Learn Hindi Lets explore more about it!
In this daily lesson, we shall see the use of “want to”.
We will learn to make sentences like “I want to play Cricket” or “I want to go home”
The verb “to want” usually means “चाहना chahna” in Hindi. The sentences given above uses “want” as a supportive verb.
So the actual translation of “want” that is “चाहना chahna” does not appear in the Hindi translation.
The following examples will make you clearer.
मुझे हिंदी सीखना है | muze hindi seekhna hai
The main verb is “सीखना seekhna” = to learn.
मुझे क्रिकेट खेलना है | mujhe cricket khelna hai = I want to play cricket.
The main verb is “खेलना khelna”= to play.
मुझे घर जाना है | mujhe ghar Jana hai = I want to go home.
The main verb is “जाना Jana” = to go.
In all these sentences, “want” is used as a supportive verb.

Exercise the above lessons and explore more about all these important lessons so that it will be easy to understand all about Hindi Language!