I Should Go Home in Hindi
I Should Go Home in Hindi lets learn more about it.
We will learn Hindi equivalent of “should”
We will learn to make sentences like “I should learn Hindi” or “Aaditya should drink water” or
“Alisha should go to office” in Hindi
The sentence stucture is:
Subject – object- root verb –ना / नी / ने – चाहिए chaahiye
For masculine objects, the root verb should take suffix –ना naa
मुझे नारियल पानी पीना चाहिए | mujhe nariyal Pani Peenaa chahiye I should drink coconut water
For feminiine objects, the root verb should take suffix –नी nee
मुझे कॉफ़ी पीनी चाहिए | mujhe coffee peenee chahiye I should drink coffee
For multiple objects, the root verb should take suffix –ने ne
मुझे काम देने चाहिए | mujhe kam dene chahiye I should give work
Let us see some more examples
मुझे विद्यालय जाना चाहिए | | I should go school | mujhe school jaanaa chahiye |
आदित्य ने नारियल पानी पीना चाहिए | | Aaditya should drink water | aaditya ne paani peenaa cha |
अलीशा ने ऑफिस जाना चाहिए | | Alisha should go to office | alisha ne office jaana chahiye |
हमें चाय नहीं पीनी चाहिए | | We should not drink tea | hame chaay naheen peene chahiye |
हमें काम करना चाहिए | | We should work hard | hame mehnat kaam karnaa chahiye |
तुम्हे विद्यालय जाना चाहिए | | You should go school | tumhe school jaanaa chahiye |

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