I Have an Intel I9 Computer in Hindi
I Have an Intel I9 Computer in Hindi lets learn more about it.
मेरे पास इंटेल I9 कंप्यूटर है | mere paas intel i9 computer hain I have an intel i9 computer.
Using ” I have” in Hindi
मेरे पास माँ हैं | mere paas maa hain I have my mother.
मेरे पास दो पेन है | mere paas do pen hain I have two pens.
तुम्हारे पास इंटेल I9 कंप्यूटर है | tumhare paas intel i9 computer hain You have an intel i9 computer.
हमारे पास इंटेल I9 कंप्यूटर है | hamaare paas intel i9 computer hain We have an intel i9 computer.
Possessive pronoun inflected with the sound of -ए + पास + object

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