I Forgot My Password in Hindi How to Say?
I Forgot My Password in Hindi Lets explore more about it!
Learn how to use the verb “to forget” in Hindi. In this lesson, we will try to make sentences like “I forgot my password” or “He forgot his keys” or “Dev always forgets me” in Hindi.
“to forget” means भूल जाना bhul jana in Hindi.
The past tense of भूल जाना bhul jana” is भूल गया / गई bhul gaya / gayee”
Let us learn this with examples.
मैं password भूल गया | main password bhul gaya = I forgot the password
मैं सुबह नाश्ता भूल गई |main subah nashta bhul gayee = I forgot to eat breakfast in the morning.
वह अपनी पानी की बोतल भूल गया | vah apni pani ki bottle bhul gaya = He forgot his water bottle.
देव हमेशा मुझे भूल जाता है | aaditya hamesha mujhe bhul jata hai = Dev always forgets me.
मैं तुम्हे कभी नहीं भूलूंगा | main tumhe kabhi nahi bhulunga = I will never forget you.

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