I Don’t Understand Hindi in Hindi
I Don’t Understand Hindi in Hindi So you are in India and somebody spoke in Hindi so fast that you could not understand a single word of it.
How will you say to him / her “I don’t understand you ” in Hindi
Let us learn translation of above lines in Hindi and also a new Hindi verb : “समझना samaznaa to understand”
Present tense
मैं समझता ती हूँ |. main samzataa tee hoon =I understand
मुझे समझ नहीं रहा है | muze samaz naheen rahaa hai = I am not understanding.
मुझे हिंदी समझ ती नहीं | mujhe hindi samza tee nahin = I do not understand Hindi.
मुझे थोडी सी हिंदी समझ ती है | mujhe thodi see hindi samaz tee hain = I understand a little Hindi.
मुझे सिर्फ अंग्रेजी समझ ती है | mujhe sirf angrezi samz tee hain = I understand only English.
Past Tense
मैं समझाझी | main samzaa = I understood.
मुझे उसकी बात समझी | muze uskee baat samzee = I understood what he / she said.

Exercise the above lessons and explore more about all these important lessons so that it will be easy to understand all about Hindi Language!