I Can Speak Hindi
I Can Speak Hindi lets learn more about it.
You’ll learn to use “can” in Hindi
Using “can” in Hindi is very similar to what we do in English.
In English, we put “can” before the root form of the verb,
For example: I can do it or I can play.
“can” is a modal and it is placed before a verb in English.
In Hindi we do something opposite.
Let’s learn step by step:
“can” means “सकना” (saknaa)
“can do” means “कर सकना ” (kar saknaa)
“can play” means “खेल सकना” (khel saknaa)
These all are infinitive forms but in a sentence it becomes
“I can play” means “मैं खेल सक-ता / ती हूँ” (main khel sak taa / tee hoon)
” I can do” means” मैं कर सक-ता / ती हूँ ” (main kar sak taa / tee hoon)
मैं मराठी बोल सकता हूँ | | I can speak Marathi. | main marathi bol saktaa hoon |
वह कर सकती है| | She can do it. | vah kar saktee hai |
मैं क्रिकेटर बन सकता हूं | I can became cricketer. | main cricketer ban saktaa hoon |
आप कविता लिख सकते हो | | You can write a poem. | aap kavita likh sakte ho |
हम शतरंज जीत सकते है | | We can win chess. | ham chess jeet sakte hai |

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