I Am From Canada in Hindi
I Am From Canada in Hindi lets learn more about it.
This Hindi lesson helps you to answer the question:
Where you are from? in Hindi language:
मैं कनाडा से हूँ | main kanada se hoon | I am from the Canada |
मैं ऑस्ट्रेलिया से हूँ | main australia se hoon | I am from Australia. |
वह जापान से है | vah japan se hai | He / She is from Japan. |
मेरे भाई महाराष्ट्र से है | mere bhai maharashtra se hain | My Brother is from Maharashtra. |
अमित कोरिया से है | Amit is from Korea | Amit is from Korea. |

Exercise the above lessons and explore more about all these important lessons so that it will be easy to understand all about Hindi Language!