Say How Was Your Day? Meaning In Hindi
How Was Your Day Meaning In Hindi has three words for English “How” – कैसा /कैसी/ कैसे
Learn the basic rules of using “कैसा / कैसी/ कैसे”
Let us explore and learn from the sentences which are mentioned below:
आप कैसे हो ? aap kaise ho How are you ?
आप कैसे थे ? aap kaise the How were you ?
आदित्य कैसा है ? aaditya kaisa hai? How is Aaditya?
अलीशा कैसी है ? alisha kaisee hai? How is Alisha?
आप कैसे आये ? aap kaise aaye? How did you come?
हिंदी कैसी भाषा है? hindi kaisee bhasha hai? How is Hindi language?
भारत कैसा है ? bharat kaisa hai? How is India?
मेरा भाई कैसा है ? mera bhai kaisa hai? How is my brother?
आपका दिन कैसा था ? aapka din kaisa thaa? How was your day?
मेरी बहन कैसी है ? meri bahan kaisee hai? How is my sister?

Exercise the above lessons and explore more about all these important lessons so that it will be easy to understand all about Hindi Language!