Come with Me in Hindi
Come with Me in Hindi Lets explore more about it!
In this lesson we will learn to make sentences using “with”. We will try to make sentences like “come with me” or “play with me” or “go with Peter” in Hindi. All these sentences involve use of Hindi Postposition “साथ sath”.
मेरे साथ आओ | mere sath aao = Come with me.
मेरे साथ खेलो | mere sath khelo = Play with me.
आदित्य के साथ जाओ | aaditya ke sath jao = Go with Aaditya.
All these sentences use imperative form of verbs.
More on imperative verbs in Hindi can be learned here: Hindi verbs Imperative form
Similar sentences
उसके साथ बैठो | uske sath baitho = Sit with him / her.
हमारे साथ आओ | hamare sath aao = Come with us.
अलीशा के साथ बोलो | alisha ke saath bolo = Talk with Alisha.

Exercise the above lessons and explore more about all these important lessons so that it will be easy to understand all about Hindi Language!