Hindi Verb होना Hona
Hindi Verb होना Hona in Hindi lets learn more about it.
In this Hindi lesson, we will see a magical Hindi verb – होना hona
It is magical because this simple verb with two letters has multiple meanings.
When used with proper conjugations, this verb gives different meaning to sentences.
Let us see the different forms of होना hona with examples.
होना hona – as a “be verb”
होना hona is like “to be” of English.
Like “am”,”is”,”will be” are forms of “to be” in English, the Hindi “be verbs” like “हूँ”hoon , “है”hain are forms to “होना”hona
“होना”honaa tells you the state of a being.
The various forms of “होना”honaa in present and past tense are covered in this lesson
What are not covered till yet are the forms of होना hona in future tense.
Now that we have seen the future tense in Hindi, we will make sentences on “होना”honaa in future tense.
All the sentences given below the state of a being in future.
The suffixes root verb “होना”honaa takes are similar to those other verbs
Hindi Verb होना Hona some examples
कल बारिश नही होगी | | It will not rain tomorrow | kal baarish nahi hogi |
कल छह बजे सूर्यास्त होगा | | Sun will set at 06:00 o’clock tomorrow. | kal chhah baje suryaast hogaa |
मेरा दिन का खाना एक बजे खत्म होगा | | My lunch will be over at 1 o’clock. | meraa khana ek baje khatm hoga |
हमारा घर सुन्दर होगा | | Our home will be beautiful | hamaaraa ghar sundar hogaa |
मेरा नाम आदित्य होगा | | My name will be Aaditya. | meraa naam aaditya hogaa |
मैं एक दिन अमीर हूँगा | | I will be rich one day. | main ek din budhaa hoonga |
अलीशा एक दिन अमीर होगी | | Alisha will be rich one day. | alisha ek din ameer hogi |
हम कामयाब होंगे | | We will be successful soon. | hum jaldi kaamyaab honge |

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