Hindi Adjectives Colors
Hindi Adjectives Colors in Hindi lets learn more about it.
You’ll learn how to make sentences using adjectives in Hindi
How to tell color of a person or a thing in language.
But, before moving ahead, you must know inflecting and non-inflecting adjectives.
Take a quick review of this lesson: Adjectives in Hindi and also Colors in Hindi.
All colors except red are inflecting adjectives: which means to describe masculine nouns, adjectives will take the sound of -aa at the end.
हरा कंप्यूटर haraa computer= Green Computer
नीला आकाश nilaa aakash = Blue sky
to describe feminine nouns, adjectives will take the sound of -ee at the end.
हरी किताब haree kitaab = Green Book.
नीली कार neelee car = Blue car.
मेरा पेन काला है | | My pen is black. | mera pen kaalaa hain |
मेरी कार सफ़ेद है | | My car is White. | meri car safed hain |
यह नदी नीली है | | This river is blue. | yah nadee neelee hain| |
आकाश नीला हैं | | The sky is blue. | aakaash neelaa hain| |
पेड़ हरा हैं | | The tree is green. | ped haraa hain |
किताब हरी हैं | | The book is green. | kitaab haree hain |

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