Conjunctions But Examples
Conjunctions But Examples in Hindi lets learn more about it.
You’ll learn how to make sentences using “but” in Hindi.
The Hindi word for “but” is “लेकिन” lekin.
Let us learn Conjunctions But Examples Sentences
बुगाटी बहुत अच्छी है लेकिन महंगी है।| | bugaatee bahut achchhee hai lekin mahangee hai. | Bugatti is very good but it is costly. |
नारियल का पानी साफ होता है लेकिन गर्म होता है। | naariyal ka paanee saaph hota hai lekin garm hota hai. | Coconut water is clean but it is hot. |
धन्यवाद लेकिन मैं आ नहीं सकता | | dhanyavaad lekin main aa nahi saktaa | Thank you but I can not come. |
मैं मराठी पढ़ सकता हूं लेकिन लिख नहीं सकता | | main maraathee padh sakata hoon lekin likh nahin sakata. | I can read Marathi but I can not write. |
मेरे पास पेन हैं लेकिन वह काला हैं | | mera paas pen hain lekin vah kala hain | I have a pen but it is black. |

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