Conjunctions And vs Or
Conjunctions And vs Or lets learn more about it.
You’ll learn how to use Hindi conjunctions “and” and “or”.
“and” is tranaslted to “और aur” in Hindi while “or” is translated to “या yaa”
Let us learn this through the examples
Conjunctions Examples on and
रेस्तरो और बगीचा | Bageecha aur restaurant | Garden and Restaurant |
आदित्य और अलीशा | Aaditya aur alisha | Aaditya and Alisha |
तुम और मैं | tum aur main | You and I |
पानी और चाय | paani aur chaay | Water and Tea |
वैज्ञानिक और आविष्कार | vaigyaanik aur aavishkaar | Scientist and Inventions |
Conjunctions Examples on or
ठंडा या गरम | thandaa yaa garam | Cold or hot |
हलका या भारी | halkaa yaa bhaari | Light or heavy |
तुम या मैं | tum ya main | You or I |
चाय या कॉफ़ी | chaay yaa coffee | Tea or coffee |
अच्छा या बुरा | acchhaa yaa buraa | Good or bad |

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