Comparison in Hindi
Comparison in Hindi lets learn more about it.
We will learn how to compare things in Hindi using Hindi adjectives.
In the previous lessons, we saw different types of Hindi adjectives.
For example:
Adjectives on colors : मेरा पेन नीला है | meraa pen neelaa hai = My pen is blue
Adjectives on quantities : मेरा टेलीविजन बड़ा है | meraa television badaa hai = My television is big
Adjectives on appearance : मेरा फूल सुन्दर है | meraa flower sundar hai = My flower is beautiful
Adjectives on numerals : यह मेरा पहला प्यार है | yah meraa pahalaa pyar hai = This is my first love
Now, we will see how to use these adjectives to compare nouns in Hindi
In Hindi, we compare two nouns by adding suffix – से se to the noun we want to be compared with.
For example
आदित्य अलीशा से बड़ा है | aaditya alisha se badaa hai = Aaditya is bigger than Alisha.
अलीशा आदित्य से बड़ी है | alisha aaditya se badee hai = Alisha is bigger than Aaditya.
मेरा भाई आदित्य से लम्बा है | meraa bhai aaditya se lambaa hai = My brother is taller than Aaditya.
मेरी बहन आदित्य से लम्बी है | meree bahan aaditya se lambee hai = My sister is taller than Aaditya
मैं तुम से लम्बा / लम्बी हूँ | main tum se lambaa/lambee hoon = I am taller than you.
मैं आप से गोरा हूँ | main aap se goraa hoon = I am fairer than you.
आदित्य हम से चालाक है | aaditya ham se chaalak hai = Aaditya is cleverer than us.
Comparison in Hindi More examples:
पुणे अहमदनगर से अधिक दूर है| | Pune is farther than Ahmednagar | pune ahamadanagar se adhik door hai |
4 पहिया वाहन 2 पहिया वाहन से महंगा है। | | 4 wheeler is costlier than 2 wheeler. | 4 pahiya vaahan 2 pahiya vaahan se mahanga hai. |
पेन मार्कर पेन से सस्ता है | | Pen is cheaper than marker Pen | pen markar pen se sasta hai |
कॉफी छाछ से भी अधिक गर्म होती है | | Coffee is hotter than buttermilk | kophee chhaachh se bhee adhik garm hotee hai |
कुर्सी सोफे से हल्की है | | Chair is lighter than sofa | kursee sophe se halkee hai |
अलीशा रीना से सुन्दर है | | Alisha is more beautiful than Reena. | Alisha reena se sundar hai. |

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