Barakhadi of ढ

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Barakhadi of

Barakhadi of ढ learn more about

Barakhadi of ढ
ढ + अdhaढक्कन (dhakkana), ढोल (dhol)Lid, drum
ढ + आdhaढाई (dhaai), ढाबा (dhaba)Two and a half, roadside eatery
ढ + इdhiढिंढोर (dhinhdor), ढिबरी (dhibri)Town crier, small pot
ढ + ईdhiढीला (dhila), ढीली (dhili)Loose, slack
ढ + उdhuढूंढना (dhundhna), ढूंढ (dhundh)To search, find
ढ + ऊdhuढूंढू (dhundhu), ढूंढना (dhundhna)To search, find
ढ + एdheढेर (dher), ढेर सारा (dher sara)Heap, pile, a lot
ढ + ऐdhaiढाई (dhaai), ढाई साल (dhaai sāla)Two and a half, two and a half years
ढ + ओdhoढोली (dholi), ढोला (dhola)Drum player, a type of folk song
ढ + औdhauढौंढना (dhaundhna), ढौंढ (dhaundh)To search, find (alternate spelling)
ढ + अंdhaढंढोरा (dhaṇḍora), ढंढोरा पीटना (dhaṇḍora pitna)To beat a drum, to announce
ढ + अःdhahढः dhNot commonly used

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Barakhadi of ड

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