Barakhadi of ड

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Barakhadi of

Barakhadi of ड learn more about

Barakhadi of ड
ठ + अthaठाकुर (ṭhakur)Landlord, chieftain
ठ + आthaठाकर (ṭhakar)Another form of “ठाकुर”
ठ + इthiठीक (thīk)Okay, correct
ठ + ईthiठीकर (thīkar)A type of dessert
ठ + उthuठुंठ (thuṇṭh)Stump, stub
ठ + ऊthuठूंठ (thuṇṭh)Another form of “ठुंठ”
ठ + एtheठेला (thela)Cart, pushcart
ठ + ऐthaiठैला (thaiḷa)Bag, sack
ठ + ओthoठोकर (thokar)Stumbling block
ठ + औthauठौक (thauk)Knock, tap
ठ + अंthaठंढा (thaṇḍa)Cold
ठ + अःthahठः (thaḥ)Used in certain Sanskrit words

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