A Pigeon Came in My Room in Hindi
In this lesson A Pigeon Came in My Room in Hindi, we will learn two things.
- Hindi equivalent of the verb “to come”
- Hindi postposition meaning “in”
Hindi equivalent of the verb “to come” is “आना aanaa”
मैं आया / आयी | main aaya / aayee = I came.
आदित्य आया | aaidtya aaya = Aaditya came.
अलीशा आयी | alisha aayee = Alisha came.
कबूतर आया | kabootar aaya = Pigeon came
All these sentences are in Past tense in Hindi.
The Hindi postposition “- में” means “in”
पुणे में pune me = In Pune
अहमदाबाद में ahmedabad me = In Ahmedabad
मेरे रूम में mere room me = In my room
मेरे कमरे में mere kamare me = In my room.
Now we will combine above two concepts.
मेरे रूम में कबूतर आया | mere room me kaootar aaya = Pigeon came in my room.
मेरे रूम में आदित्य आया | mere room me aaidtya aayaa = Aaditya came in my room.
मेरे रूम में अलीशा आयी | mere room me alisha aayee = Alisha came in my room.
आदित्य के रूम में अलीशा आयी | peter ke room me alisha aayee = Alisha came in Aaditya’s room.

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