Questions on How in Hindi
Questions on How in Hindi lets learn more about it.
We will learn Hindi equivalent of word “How”
We will learn to make sentences like “How are you?” or “How was your day?” in Hindi.
There are three Hindi words for English “How”. Their usage in sentences depends on the gender of the person you are talking about.
How “कैसा” (kaisaa) : To be used for masculine nouns
आदित्य कैसा है ? (Aaditya kaisaa hai ?) = How is Aaditya?
आपका परिवार कैसा है? (aapaka parivaar kaisa hai) = How is your family?
एक देश के रूप में भारत कैसा है? (Ek desh ke roop me bharat desh kaisa hai?) = How is India as a country ?
मैं कैसा दिख/लग रहा हूँ ? (main kaisaa dikh/lag rahaa hoon ?) = How am I looking ? (Masculine)
How “कैसी “ (kaisee) : To be used for feminine nouns
अलीशा कैसी है? (alisha kaisee hai?) = How is Alisha?
आपकी स्वास्थ्य कैसी है? (aapki health kaisee hai?) = How is your health?
मैं कैसी दिख रही हूँ? (main kaisee dikh raheen hoon?) = How am I looking? (Feminine)
How “कैसे” (kaise) : To be used for honorific nouns, plurals and second person pronouns.
तुम कैसे हो? (tum kaise ho?) = How are you?
आप कैसे हो? (aap kaise ho?) = How are you?
अध्यापक कैसे है? (adhyaapak kaise hai?)= How is Teacher?
आपके बच्चे कैसे हैं? (aapke bachche kaise hain?) = How are your kids?
वह अध्यापक कैसे हैं? (vah adhyaapak kaise hain?) = How are those teachers?
The position of “कैसे” or “कैसी” or “कैसे” comes just after the noun it is describing.
तुम्हारा दिन कैसा था? | How was your day? | tumharaa din kaisaa thaa ? |
आज का हवामान कैसा है? | How is today’s weather? | aaj kaa havaaman kaisa hai ? |
ज़िंदगी कैसी है? | How is life? | jindagee kaisee hai ? |
आप किताब कैसे लिखते हो? | How do you write a book? | aap kitaab kaise likhte ho ? |
तुम्हारी घडी कैसी है? | How is your watch? | tumhaari ghadi kaisee hai ? |
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